Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pirate Costume

This summer went by so fast. I didn't realize how little time I would have to do crafts!
Unfortunately, that also meant another project I have been planning snuck up on me: my pirate costume. My one nerdy vice is that I go to a renaissance faire with my older cousin every year, as pirates. Well, he always looks so good, and my costume always sucks. So this year, I want to have a mindblowingly awesome costume, and of course, I'm designing it from scratch and on a budget- $100. 
I also decided to create a seperate blog for that project, as there aren't many sites out there for constructing a good, authentic-looking pirate costume without spending a lot of moulah. 

Here is the link: Design on a Doubloon (haha, get it?)
So peace for now =)

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