Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pirate Costume

This summer went by so fast. I didn't realize how little time I would have to do crafts!
Unfortunately, that also meant another project I have been planning snuck up on me: my pirate costume. My one nerdy vice is that I go to a renaissance faire with my older cousin every year, as pirates. Well, he always looks so good, and my costume always sucks. So this year, I want to have a mindblowingly awesome costume, and of course, I'm designing it from scratch and on a budget- $100. 
I also decided to create a seperate blog for that project, as there aren't many sites out there for constructing a good, authentic-looking pirate costume without spending a lot of moulah. 

Here is the link: Design on a Doubloon (haha, get it?)
So peace for now =)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


A new post!

We started this blog in a fit of excitement while finding lots of great stuff at Goodwill and flea markets and whatnot, and since then have been slacking on actually doing anything with it. I know, shameful. Oh well. But the good news is, I finally finished a project!
I finally got a hold of a sewing machine, since Manda's is having issues. My grandmother lent me her spare one (the one she uses now is so awesome, it's like it has a mind of its own). Though it was made in the 70's, it worked fine as soon as we figured out the tension. And then i got to work:


YAY! I've had my eye on this peacock pillow for ages now, it was one of the first projects I saw that drew me into crafting. I found the tutorial here. I changed the colors to match my bedspread set, and I'm so excited about how it turned out.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Welcome to our blog!

I'm Rachel, and my sister Manda and I started this blog to document our adventure into crafting. I'm eighteen and a college student at University of Hartford; my sister is twenty-eight and teaches at Sacred Heart School. So other than some part time jobs, we have a lot of time to craft together!

We like finding good things at thrift shops to fix up- We have a lot of good ideas planned!

Lots to come soon ☺